Monday, November 23, 2009

A Walk through the Dark

The sun has lost its warmth, the moon its shine,
No longer do I mourn this loss of mine,
Life now a trudging, uphill task,
Every word a lie, each face a mask;
No doorway can I find, no escape,
In each human touch there is rape.
In darkness burn a million stars,
Shine of twinkling lights, stays afar,
My path unseen, shadows around,
Each step a death, traps abound.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love's Burden

You nail me to a cross,
You whip me like a cur,
My sides you jab to let blood flow,
My head adorned with crown of thorn
You mock with laughter and scorn;
My failing is grave, I have sinned,
For I have loved.
My heart I opened, my arms lent
For you to rest your burden:
I became a Pariah, the untouchable one
Used and discarded:
Yet I resurrect for your deliverance.