Thursday, December 8, 2016

To My Love

Love, never come to me again
     False smiles eschew
Love, never poison me again
      Bring in deaths anew.
My world's a wide open space
     I'll walk all ways
I'll wander in wildernesses
     Hundred miles a day.

Love, never hold me close again
      Give me respite
Love, never burn heart again
      For own delight;
My life's a beauteous place
      I'll drown in hues
And float up with another face
      Emeralds and blues.

Love, I've counted days
      Each time you've fled
Love, I've gone your way
       Although I bled
Hours and days gone by
      In Time's flow
Pains and smiles sail down
     Frozen in ice and snow.

বেদরদি দুনিয়া

বেদরদি দুনিয়া তুই
পিরীত মানিস না
নিয়ম শেকল পায়ে পরিস
ওড়া শিখিস না।

বদনে তোর হাজার বিষ ফোড়া
প্রসাধনের প্রলেপ মেখে ঘোরা
মিথ্যে যে তোর চলন বলন
তুই সত্তি জানিস না।

মুখে তোর ফোটে প্রেমের বুলি
হাত দিয়ে তুই চালাস কেবল গুলি
তোর কথায় কাজে ফারাক ভারি
কেন বুঝিস না?

বেদরদি দুনিয়া তুই
পিরীত মানিস না।
বৃথাই শিকল পায়ে পরিস
ওড়া শিখিস না।।

দুই সখী

সেই আমি শুধোয়ে কুতূহলে
আছে কি মনে আমায়?
স্মৃতি ছবি স্থান পায় কি
মনের কোনায় কোনায়?

এই আমি বলে সুমধুর হেসে
সখী, কেন এত অভিমান?
যত দূরে যাই, যত পালটাই
অমলিন তব স্থান ।

তুমি ছিলে তাই আমার এ নব রূপ
গড়িনি আমারে করি তোমারে ধ্বংস স্তুপ
আমি আছি তাই ধরা আছে তব ছবি
তুমি চাঁদ হও, আমি হব তব রবি।

দেখাস যে ভারি নুতনের গুমোর
পুরান কে পায়ে ঠেলে
চলে গেলি অবহেলে
ফিরে যেতে চায়ে না কি মন তোর?

ছিল জানি সেথা অনেকটা জ্বালা
কন্ঠে দুলেছে কাঁটা ভরা মালা
তবু তো সে চেনা তোর
নতুন হয়ে বাধালি বিপদ ঘোর।

জীর্ণ যা ছিল তোমার মাঝারে
বাসি ছিল যেটা, লাগাতে না কাজে
ঝড় তুলে তারে তুলেছি তো ধরে
খাঁটি টুকু রাখি চিরতরে।

তুই কেন সখী পিছনেতে চাস?
তোর কেন সখী পড়ে দীর্ঘশ্বাস?
মলিন যে তুই হয়েছিস আমি

তুই আমি দোঁহে হয়েছি যে দামি।।


কেন মন মানে না
কেন দিন কাটে না
কেন বইছে ধারা
কেন হারায় তারা
   এ গগন
কেন আশা উঁকি দেয়
কেন ব্যাথা কথা কয়
কেন আঁখি ছলকায়
  বারে বার
কেন ভিতি ঘিরে দেয়
কবে পাব পরিত্রাণ
কবে হবে অবশান


Tuesday, December 6, 2016


A simple seed
sent one shoot
into dark soil
A second pushed
into world of light
Both thrive
a plant grows.
Two parts
grow distant-
outward shoot
spread branches
flowers and fruits
blossomed, attracting
birds and bees;
Downward shoot
stays hidden
holding the bulk
that grows arrogant
day by day
"By myself I stand
why waste time
on ugly root
hidden in depth of land?"
Alas! Branches dropped
birds and bees fled
no longer came to play
tree died one day.

Double Trouble

You do me violence
with weapons
bombs, guns, and missiles
fired in arrogance
tear me to pieces
pierce bodies end to end.
You make me scream
in pain, in fear
You crush me
under churning wheels.
My world you fill
with loss, anguish, anger.
Yet that's not your worst
Your violence digs deeper
to slight, to erase, to belittle
my thoughts
my words
my ways
My being you deny
make me invisible.
That violence
in silent flow
of dormant volcano.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Grandma, you're old
your hair's turned gray
don't laugh and play
like teenage brats.
That's not your forte
You should be wise
and sedate too
The years lived
are in the past
What makes you think
you'll forego age
and live life fast?
Look around, you'll see
old people sleeping
Take a cue, be like them
quit this useless weeping.

Child, you're young
you cannot know
the joys of being old;
You see my hair's turned gray
You don't see I've turned gold.
Potholes on life's path
I've crossed
And seen the winds
of change
Followed arduous tasks
in duty's name
It's time for me
to spread my wings
kept folded too long
to look around
savor my world
enjoy my song and dance.


I left a house
To catch the skies
A thousand prisons
Followed me.
I left a road
To forge a path
A thousand shackles
Deterred me.
I left my name
A new one to gain
A thousand slurs
Showered on me.
Where e'er I go
For or 'gainst flow
A thousand footsteps
Dog me.

Burden of Love

They say I'm wrong
in what I say
in what I think
in my deeds
in the way I sit
or stand,
or sing,or grin:
Yet they love me so
They teach me well
to be a proper me
teach me their ways
so I'll no longer stray
be one in their ranks
one on whom they can bank.
their love's my burden
I'll be frank

Monday, November 28, 2016

Space of my own

Three scores and more
Searching for my space
A space to call own
Space where none to say
Keep these, throw those away
Decor's askew, you need to change
Come, lemme show you the range

Three scores have gone
More scores to come
Stick on new pictures
Use the gum in hand
The original you
The original land
Lost beneath layers
More layers of pretense
When you want to break free
Not a hint of a breeze.


I'm not gender queer
That's not why I pay
I'm a "straight" female
With "unstraight:ways
Can't pamper male egos
As I should and must
Can't simper till I bust
Or plead helplessness
That breaks trust
Dress up, I can
I love to look cute
Not for you or you
Not for some brute
I work things out myself
Needn't ask for help
But when I'm forced to
I.m a beaten dogs whelp
That makes me "queer"
In so many ways
Frigid, arrogant, proud
Whatever you choose to say.

I'm  not gender queer
That much I'm sure
Yet the queerness in me
I just cannot cure
I laugh from the heart
Not to be polite
And when I'm breaking
I do it with a smile
My pain becomes work
My anguish disdain
And when you hear me sing
it's summer or rains
That's contrary
I'm sure you all know
When you curse and revile
I take a secret vow
That makes me "queer"
In so many ways
Frigid, arrogant, or proud
Whatever you say.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hope and Fear

Fear and Hope
live side by side
as neighbors
as siblings
or as twins
I know not

Their see-saw ride
goes up then down
unending in whimsy
unstopped in flight
winner or loser
I know not.

Two sides of a coin
heads and tails
take your chance
somewhere it lands
now or never
I know not.

Many ways to react
many a way to cope
plan your vigil
keep a strict watch
relax and accept
I know not.

Master's Dictate

God made this world
for us all
Man made it different
and made a few crawl
put them in ghettos
threw them in jails
and when they revolted
in anger grew pale.

God made all equal
fraternity of souls
Man became master
the ones to hold sway
their rules they imposed
break them and hell to pay
they'll beat and they'll kick
throw some out of hearth

We brought you, we called you
all that we know
we gave you our toys
those that were in stores
you swarm like varmints
you eat up our tarts.
our minds we've changed now
give 'em back to our boys.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

চলার নিয়ম

মুখোশটা কে আসল করে
চল রে দুনিয়ায়ে
দেখ রঙ্গ রসের খেলা
দেখ রে তিন বেলা
বাইরে বসায় বিচার আসন
অন্তরে পাপ দুই বেলা
দেখ রঙ্গ রসের খেলা
বুক চিতিয়ে ঘুরছে দেখ
নেকড়ে শেয়াল হায়েনা
সাদা সিধে জীব গুলো কে
চোখে দেখা জায়েনা
জগত জুড়ে মেলা
দেখ রঙ্গ রসের খেলা
ঢাক পিটয়ে বলে
গল্প ঝুরি ঝুরি
কালকে যদি ধরা পড়ে
থুড়ি থুড়ি থুড়ি
জগত জুড়ে মেলা
দেখ রঙ্গ রসের খেলা
বাইরে সবাই আপন আপন
মনের ভিতর শ্লথ
আলতো বাতাস লাগে গায়ে
ভেঙ্গে গেল ফট
জগত জুড়ে মেলা

দেখ রঙ্গ রসের খেলা

Saturday, October 29, 2016


Some will hold your hand
Some will throw stones
Some will laud your stand
Some will pick bones
Keep walking, keep walking
You are not alone.

Some will shower praise
Some will voices raise
Some will turn their face
Some will names erase
Keep walking, keep walking
You will win your race.

Some will bring in light
Some your life will blight
Some will come and stand
Some will steal your land
Keep walking, keep walking
You'll create your brand.


Take me not to burning ghats
Nor to burial grounds
Feed me to your hungry dogs
My body I offer
To nourish starved bodies
My bones to chew
Let crows and vultures
Peck at me
Cleansing, purifying
I'll be a gift of life
I'll be a source of delight
I'll get my respite.
End my days of long nights
For years I've burned
In unseen flames
For years in graves
I've remained
Set me free, by your grace
I'll search, I'll find my new space.

Life's Philosophy

Your barbs bring strength
Your fire I embrace
Your ire gives scope
To look for new space.

 Glance from window seen
Reveals partial view
Panorama to take in
break walls that restrict you.

Point your finger at me
 What of the other three?
Give and take, give and take
There's much at stake
Learn and grow, learn and grow
There's a tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

নব দুর্গা

দুর্গা, তুমি দুর্গতিনাশিনী
কর শত অসুর নিধান
মা, মহিশাসুরমরদিনি
তাবে কেন হও তুমি
পর অস্ত্রধারিণী?
দেবকুল পেয়ে বিষম ভয়
তোমায় ডেকে পাঠায়ে রণে
করতে শত্রু জয়
তোমার হাতে তাদের অস্ত্র শানে
তোমার অস্ত্র লুকাও কোন খানে?
আপন সাজে নাও মা সেজে
হও মা নির্ভয়
দেব দানবের দ্বন্দ ছেড়ে
এবার কর পাপের লয়।।

Monday, October 3, 2016


আমি চাইনা হতে 
গুল বাগিচার
সুগন্ধি গোলাপ
তার রূপ ক্ষণস্থায়ী
তা কে তুলতে গেলে
রক্ত ঝরে
বক্ষে লাগে আঘাত
ও সগন্ধি গলাপ।

তোকে বলে ফুলের রানী
তাই দেখাস গুমোর মানি
তোর অঙ্গ কোমল
আর সঙ্গ বিরল
বাতাস দোলা দিলে
ঝরে পড়িস প্রতিপল
তাই চাইনে তোর আদল
ও সুগন্ধি গলাপ।।

After Heart Break

She broke my heart today
with cruel words
She choked my voice today
o that was worse.

A pain I felt
in shame, I dealt
my world turned grey
To go or stay
didn't know my way
It was winter in May.

Now days will pass
patches of grass
will grow neath my feet
The sun will come back
tread on beaten track
heart's pieces ne'er retrieve.

রোজ আমি নতুন করে লিখি
তুমি আমির হারানো গল্প গাথা
চলতে চলতে হোঁচট খ্যে থামা
ভরি কত পাতার পর পাতা।

রোজ আমি নতুন করে বুঝি
তুমি আমি বলছি দুই কথা
আপন মনে করি আলাপচারি
তুমি আমির ভিন্ন অভিলাশা।

তুমি আমি চলছি অচিন পথ 
আসা যাওয়া, উঠা বসা ঘাঁটা
তুমি আমি পৌঁছে গেলে পরে
ফুরিয়ে যাবে ছকে বাঁধা হাঁটা।

তুমি আমির জীবন নিয়ে খেলে
আসে বসে রসিক বিধাতা
ভালো মন্দ হিসাব লিখে রাখে
খুলে নিয়ে চিত্রগুপ্তের খাতা।।

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Four Blind folks
out on sojourn
They see with touch
and know what they find
grass is long and soft 'neath feet
while petals are smooth
and a delicate breed
And thus they learn
of the world around
till all on a sudden
they reach a mound-
then the four divide
to know this thing
each reaches out
to grasp what it means
One hits solid mass of flesh
it's sturdy and bulky
and takes up space.
The second touches
an elongated pipe,
it's long and supple
can swing and swipe.
The third reaches out
finds flapping fan
it's flat and wide
though supple I grant.
As for the fourth
He cannot agree
for what he touches
is more like a tree
solid and sturdy
and standing straight
with space between
could be a gate.
So sure each, knows what's right
they end their friendship in a fight.

On Parting Way

What if I don't like you?
or can't adjust
What if I've different view
won't be your love;
You'll kill me with words
You'll say I'm perverse
To save your self image
or ego, or worse
Judges around
Judges abound
Sentence pronounced
ready to hand down.
My world I've built
with blood and sweat
Yours might differ
that's still not the best
Give me some room
to live my way
and when you must go
Let memories stay:
We are but rivers
that kiss and diverge
Each stream on a journey
they need not converge
Do they fight? Do they blame?
Changing course never their aim.

Thursday, August 11, 2016


The Master demands:
No, submit
My voice has spoken
Decision’s made           
No matter
How many voices
Were drowned
Masters never change
Or adjust
Believe heart and soul
You were in the wrong
Yours alone the blame
My voice has spoken
Decision’s made

Master, hear me
 I’ll be Ekalaviya
One who won’t conform
Take “NO” for an answer
I’ll forge a path
And learn skills

Despite your command
Dedicated, determined
And this time
I won’t be rendered
To stoke your ego
To keep you in power
I am awake

I am alive.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Tears in my eyes

Tears in my eyes flow not for you
but for lives I've lost, everyday
for thoughts suppressed, un shared pains
plastered smiles, in hopes of gains;
for times they've fled, ne'er to return
now clocks on walls mock my concerns.

You told me "wait", told me "endure"
for another life on another plain
days advanced, went into retreat
my dreams dissolved in rising heat
and times they fled, ne'er to return
those clocks on walls mock my concerns.

Shackles that bound were born in my mind
on dreary days, in pain-filled nights
lacking in strength, a coward's life
a mirage in desert of strife
while times fled, ne'er to return
and clocks on walls mocked my concerns.

Days of Yore

I pleasured you
all night long
bout upon bout
wave upon wave
to keep you in Paradise;
Now it is day
and far away
that magic's fled
I cannot stay
I'll go away.

I treasured you
when none had time
hour upon hour
day upon day
to help you climb;
Now it is time
and in this hour
that warmth's forlorn
I cannot stay
I'll go away.

I carried you
in hale and storm
fighting and straining
losing and gaining
as I bled on the way;
Now it is calm
the sun's come up
for I am the boat
I cannot stay
I'll sail away.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Dead or Alive

They walk
side by side
following footsteps
more dead than alive.

Faces radiant
words somewhat snide
chatting, yet silent
more dead than alive.

Time comes
for final ride
masks rip off
dead now alive.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

New Way

Often have I battled on
in face of adversity,
Often have I held my own
in days of negativity,
Times now change
and strength recedes
sunlight fades at length
To give up struggle
and lay down to rest
closer to heart for me now
than every moment plodding on
to save a life ill spent.
The yearning grows
like a well tended plant
a sapling growing fast
let battles be my past.
This new desire,
young and sweet
blossoms each day
it is, it is, my new way.


Hold me once more
I promise not to stay
not to hold you back
your life is far away.

Call me once more
I promise not to cry
not to keep you with me
but let go by and by.

We'll be done, nothing more to try
our pathway sweet paved in gold
today grows worn and old
return to your past ties.

Pied Piper

I need a Pied Piper
but not for Hamlin town
that was all child play
fancy's own playground.

This time the task is harder
for Rats are now elsewhere
in minds and hearts and innards
on that I can swear.

They jump and run around
they play soft ball round on round
yet on the outer surface
they hardly make a sound.

They nibble and they wiggle
they squiggle and they jiggle
they drive us really nuts
till we come to fisticuffs.;

I need a Pied piper
but not for Hamlin town
to rid us of our Rats
that run up and down.

Friday, June 24, 2016

In Return

You fed me
You clothed me
You gave shelter
A roof o'er my head
Now you lay claim
Stake your rights
On body and soul
But I am I, a person
Not some object
You prize or discard
Barter or sell at will
Your actions can you define?
Investments made
With guaranteed ROI
Or act of charity
To win free accolade
Life'snot business
With rules of give and take
Life's a sojourn
Among hills and lakes.

Monday, May 16, 2016

আজ কাল পরশু

আজ শিখছি এক দুই তিন
কাল শিখব চার
নতুন নতুন কত কিছু
পাই শিখে নেবার
মন কে বলি- থাক সামলে
ওলট পালট হলে
মিশে যাবে স্বাদ গুলো সব
ঝালে ঝোলে অম্বলে
আসছে জেটা সামনে, সেটা
করে নে আপন
মুণ্ডু মাথা নাই বা থাকুক
কয়েক টা তো ক্ষণ
জীবন ভরের অঙ্গিকারের
জুগ সে ছলে গেছে
চট জলদি ধাই ধপা ধপ
রইবি পড়ে পিছে
মন্দ কি বা? মুখ বদলের
দিচ্ছে খুকে পথ
কেউ বা সেথা তড়িৎ চলে
কেউ বা চলে শ্লথ।।

চল না বন্ধু

চল না বন্ধু তেপান্তরের মাঠ পেরিয়ে
ব্যাঙ্গমা আর ব্যাঙ্গমী কে সঙ্গে নিয়ে
চল না উড়ি পক্ষিরাজের ডানা মেলে
এক নিমেষে ভিন দেশেতে যাব চলে
ঠিক দুপুরে সবাই যখন নিদ্রা মগন
আমরা দুটি ঘুরব জুড়ে সুনীল গগন
দেখবে না কেউ, জানবে না কেউ এমন ঘোরা
বলব যখন গল্প বলি ভাববে ওরা
দত্যি দানা থাকবে না কেউ ওই দেশেতে
পরবে না কেউ বিপদেতে খেলতে এসে
সুও রানী দুও রানির আদর সমান
কন্ঠ ছেড়ে ধরবে দুজন মন মত গান
ভাবিস বুঝি গল্প বলি মিছে মিছে
এসব কথা রুপকাথাতে কেবল আছে
ধর না তবে রুপকাথা কে সিত্তি বলে
নতুন করে বাঁচবে সমাজ ঠিক তা হলে।।

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Logic Never Works

Logic never works- not once
Fears and tears make a Lear
the truthful stay cursed
Yes, logic never works.
A weather -cock sways
to the whims of winds
A fallen leaf swims
to the courses of streams
We look to the perks
For logic never works.
Befuddled our brains
follow speed and greed
not a thought to future
not a thought to need
while reason just lurks
And logic doesn't work.

It's Time to Leave

Promises, like Autumn leaves
Adorning the ground
Past dreams, like Lucifer
Laying around
A long, long road
Leading nowhere
Heart’s a burdened
Nor round nor square

It’s time to leave
It’s time to walk away
It’s time to leave
Unless you want to stray

Moving in circles
Round, then again round
A maze you are walking
Your way never found
Homeless as vagabond
Scrounging the streets
Not living, not dying
In between meet

It’s time to leave
It’s time to walk away
It’s time to leave

Else you are bound to stray

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Path Your Path

Left or right or center
I'll walk the path I want
Or forge one that deviates
From straight and single wont.

Your path goes a different way
Well it may be so
That's no reason to think you can
Come to give me a blow.

Nor can I say "Go away"
You don't know how to walk
Howe'er divergent our ways
Each other we can't stalk.

For world thrives on diversity
Sweet as well as salt
Green or gold or azure
None of them at fault.

Make us same, you'll make us plain
As flat and arid sand
Ups and downs and level grounds
Contour our lands.

Lover's Lament

I long to feel your lips on mine
a duel of tongues;
I long to wrap arms round you
for warmth of sun;
I long to touch your supple chest
my haven of rest;
I long to hold you to my breast
so very close;
In brief, in brief I long for you
flesh and blood;
In brief, in brief I cry for you
in silent floods;
Why did i love and why did you
when fate decrees
We live apart, starve our hearts
without life's breeze?
I wasn't made to live and wade
in rules and norms
Did you not know to set me aglow
you'd need new forms?
Then why do I sing and why do i speak
world hardly cares
Let words drown and voices hide
in secret lairs.


A single sperm swims with millions
by chance to meet and mate
and grow on womb wall:
Does that make a Mother?

Birth pangs rip through body
to release a babe, struggling and naive
into an unknown world:
Does that make me Mother?

Endless chores and demands
exhausting, repetitive, tedious
often performed like a zombie:
Does that make me Mother?

A pride, a glow, a tug
at the heart as child grows
seeing an image not quite me:
Does that make me Mother?

Fears and frustration, child leaves nest
urge to egg on or hold back
to match child's pace:
does that make me Mother?

Motherhood I know as
a force, a tie, a bond
centripetal and centrifugal
relating and comparing
understanding and bewildering
undeniable, living beyond death.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

You say I'm rude
Perhaps you mean forthright?
You may be right
Or are you frustrated?
For you've lost control
And loss of power is bad
Neither is acceptable
I have a suggestion
Let's stop playing games
Hide and seek is for kids
Cat and mouse we'll leave
To detectives: a mason or Christie
Now comes pretense
That's not my cup of tea
Go imprison yourself willingly
Mind's your jailor, it holds you fast
World's so vast
I'll roam free
My shackles, broken once,
I'll make my new destiny. 
ওরে ওরে রাধারানী
শেষে করলি মন চুরি
তোর প্রেমে কালা মজেছে
আর আরেক বুকে ছুরি।

রাধা তুই বেসেছিস ভালো
ছলা কলা করিস নি তুই
তোর মনে নেই কালো।

তা বলে তুই ভাবিস মিছে
সখিরা তোর পাশে
ভুলতে কি আর পারে
তারা হেরেছে তোর কাছে। 

I bought a slave today

I bought a slave today
cheap as cheap could be
a few sweet words I used
then it came for free.

I'll use it as I will
call to bed or throw out
pet and caress
or beat with stick stout

I'll feed it with honey
or starve it for days
I'll go soft, I'll go hard
I'll treat it any which way

It's bound to me for life now
Let it stay long as I please
when its of little use
I'll discard it with ease

It'll stay in my kennel
and come out for work
it's safe here with me
unless it learns to bark

Its teeth I've broken first
no issues there for me
whatever it does can't bite
that's foresight you see.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Woman's Failure

I failed
To build that wall
To take a call
To sail with the wind
To know my sin

Barbs I took
To heart like hooks
They dug deep
Took away sleep

You found me wild
Not quite your style
No bowing nor stooping
So world  would go whooping

A woman so fallen
To forget her calling
To stand and demand
Not obey command

I failed
To build that wall
To take that call
To sail with the wind
To know my sin.


Ever since you left I've known
I'll never be happy again
Days and nights might roll
I'll still feel the pain.

In loving I've erred
Bats can't fly by day
In loving I've missed
The coming of May

Open mind's not enough
Nor good intent
Hands held out in peace
Draw forth contempt.

I see tears in other eyes
Feel another heart's ache
They see me as vile
And tie me to a stake.

World's what we make it
No rights or wrongs
Take it as a battle
Or sing it as a song.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

রাইয়ের কথা

শ্যাম বলে রাই সবুর কর
আসব আবার গোকুলে
কিসের এত ছটফটানি
কিসের এত ব্যথা
কেন কর বাড়াবাড়ি
অহেতুক ব্যকুলতা।

ও শ্যাম তুমি ছিলে না
এমন হৃদয় হীন
আমার প্রেমের ধরন দেখি
ভাব অর্থহীন।
আমি যে শ্যাম তোমা বিনা
নারি বাঁচিতে
সে কি আমার দোষ কানু
চাই ভালোবাসিতে?

তবে কেন তমাল তলে
আসতে নিয়ে বাঁশী
করতে এসে লীলা খেলা
পিছু পিছু আসি
পারিনে ভুলিতে সে দিন
একি অপরাধ?
ছুটে যাই তোমার কাছে
তাই তোমার বিরাগ

পড়েছি এ কি বিপদে
কারে বলি হায়
কানু কানু জপে বুঝি
পরাণ আমার যায়।।

Monday, April 25, 2016


Where am I?
What am I?
Why am I
The way I am?
Questions come
One by one
A life to live
A pulse of love
Gone by in a wink
Disoriented I.

A babe again
Learn to walk
Learn to talk
A different road
A different load
Make way for I
Journey's on
past is gone
On home run
Come meet the sun.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Love Won't Go Away

For days I’ve lived without you
For days I’ve known you don’t stand true
My heart you’ve broken a dozen times o’er
Yet I’ve not tried to settle score
For whatever you do, whatever you say
My love for you won’t go away.

Many a time you’ve made me mad
Many a time you've ignored when I was sad
In many a way you’ve made me change
For many a break I’ve taken the blame
Yet whatever you do, whatever you say
My love for you won’t go away.

Today my life has spun out of control
Today I’m a wandering lost soul
Every moment’s a challenge of life
Every hour I live on edge of knife
Yet whatever you do, whatever you say
My love for you won’t go away.

My well wishers  come down in hordes
Give suggestions and advice in various dose
To none of them could I explain
How my heart hurt, where I feel pain
For whatever you do and whatever you say
My love for you won’t fade away.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

You lost a few more bits of me today
irreplaceable bits you could've saved
a vase you held in hand, intricately designed
you let it slip and drop, unawares or uncaring.

through the evening were we at play
unspeakable pleasures we enjoyed
feelings grew, hopes of finding anchor
yet we parted, perhaps for ever

what irony of fate to stand face to face again
not touching, not intimate, not in sync
two strangers now, bent on pretense
why this urge to share past orgasms again?

prostitution has become our destiny
envy the times when moon and flowers enticed
alas! we've walked a long way to see world clearly
our theaters, like our beds, forsaken.

Monday, April 11, 2016

নারাজ কাল বৈশাখী

ঈশান কোন আঁধার করে আসে
ধেয়ে আসে সদ্য মাতাল হাওয়া
ঝম ঝমিয়ে বৃষ্টি ছুতে এসে
ভিজিয়ে দয়ে তপ্ত ছাত আর দাওয়া।

এল মেল দুলছে গাছের মাথা
সিক্ত হবার আনন্দে তে মেতে
উড়ে বেড়ায় ঝরা পাতার দল
স্কুল পালান শিশুর মত হেসে।

টুপ টাপ টুপ আম পড়ছে দেখে
বেরিয়ে পড়ে কিশর বুড়োর দল
কেউ বা শুধুই আম কুড়াতে আসে
কেউ বাখঞ্জে বরফ জমা জল।

সে দিনের সেই কাল বোশেখি ঝড়
করেছে আজ রেগে গিয়ে আড়ি
ত্রাহি ত্রাহি  যতই ডেকে মরি
আসবে না সে আমাদের বাড়ি।

এসির বাতাস লাগিয়ে নি গায়ে
আমরা আজ অতি ভদ্রলোক
আড্ডা ছেড়ে করতে থাকি চ্যাট
শুন্য পড়ে থাকে মদের রক।

সাবেক কালের কাল বোশেখ তাই
পায় না সাহস আসতে  ধেয়ে আর
স্নিগ্ধ কিসে হাবে বসুন্ধরা
কি ভাবে যে হবে গ্রীষ্ম পার।।

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


আর তো আমি কাঁদছি না
কারণ টা কি?
প্রেম তুফানে ফাঁসছি না
থাকি থাকি
মন দরিয়ায় ভাটার টান
লাগল বুঝি
এবার বাঁচার তাগিদটা ওই
জাগল বুঝি
উঠছে বাজার কাল যেখানে
মন্দা ছিল
পাখনা এবার খুলছে যেটা
বন্ধ ছিল
চাকা এবার ঘুরল দেখো
উল্টো দিকে
ডুবছিল যে সুজ্জি দেখো
রইল টিকে।।

প্রাণ বাঁচিয়ে পালা

চার ধারে হেরি কত জ্ঞানী গুণী জন
ঝুড়ি ঝুড়ি কথা বলে ভয়ে কাঁপে মন
এই বুঝি তেড়ে এসে টিকি ধরে টেনে
বলবে করেছ ভুল নাও বাপু মেনে
শুনি আর ভাবি শুধু  আমি কত বোকা
এখানে খুলেছি খাপ, মাথা ভরা পোকা
মানে মানে কেটে পড়ি, বাঁচে তবে মান
ছোট খাটো জানাগুলো রবে অম্লান
সেই কবে পড়েছি অ,আ,ক,খ,গ
তার জোরে এত দূর, একেবারে থ
আর গিয়ে কাজ নেই, দাঁড়ি টেনে ফেলি
না হলেই লাল চখে হাঁকে-কেন এলি।

হারব না রে হারব না

খাঁড়া হাতে আসছে ধেয়ে
ক্ষ্যাপা মায়ের ক্ষ্যাপা মেয়ে
রক্ত এবার করবে বুঝি পান
গেল বুঝি গেল দুটি প্রাণ।

মাথার উপর নাচছে দেখো
ডাইনে বাঁয়ে চাইছে না কো
শ্মশান করে ফেলবে বুঝি জান
গেল বুঝি গেল দুটি প্রাণ।

ভাবিস কি তুই তারা হবি
মুণ্ড মালা কণ্ঠে নিবি
থাকবে ওরে থাকবে টিকে গান
পারবি না তুই নিতে দুটি প্রান।।

Sunday, March 27, 2016

More Fool You

You put your eggs in one basket
Now sit and rue
More fool you.

Winds blew, basket rocked
Now there’s egg on you
More fool you.

Investment’s good but discretion use
Choppy markets eat pursue
Lesson for you.

None to pick up pieces
What e'er you do

Lesson for you.

Realign scattered forces
You've days to live through
That's what you can do.

Give it another shot
You might breath anew
That's what you can do.

Saturday, March 26, 2016


রোজ আমি নাতুন করে লিখি
তুমি আমির হারান গল্প গাথা
চলতে চলতে হোঁচট খেয়ে থামা
ভরে ফেলি পাতার পরে পাতা

রোজ আমি নাতুন করে বুঝি
তুমি আমি বলছি দুই কাথা
ফনে ফমে যত আলাপচারি
তোমার আমার ভিন্ন ভালোবাসা।

Thursday, March 24, 2016

আর নই ক্ষুদিরাম

আর বার খাইয়ো না
এবার বাপু থাম
আমার গলায় ফাঁশির দড়ি
তোমরা নাচে নামো।

বুড়বক বানিয়েছ
অনেক এমন করে
লম্ফ ঝম্প করে মরি
তোমরা থাক দূরে।

মোদ্দা কোথা বলছি শোন
নিচ্ছি এবার বিদেয়
নিজের লড়াই নিজে লড়
মরছি আমি খিদেয়ে।

No will to fly

on lonely beach
solitary soul
tortured to death

Lights come on
new dawn's born
abandoned one
never reborn

Breezes blow
drums beat slow
soul once dead
fails to glow

Life's passing by
left with sighs
flogged soul
no will to fly.

The Battle


To stay silent
To keep distance
to act sane
To laugh again

To be myself
To play your game
To stand firm
To betray my name

To love half life
To live in death
To eraze betrayal
To hemlock inhale.


I thought I'm strong   I could break free
I know I'm wrong     it cannot be
I've ridden waves     I've climbed hills
They give strength    yet they're drills
My root is with you  your hand held
More I am caught    the more I rebel
To teach this truth    did you stay away?
My world crashing   price I've paid
You'll come back    to find broken me
Awaiting your arms  close to sea
My days are dead    my nights are graves
Delusion I've lived   a life unsafe.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Journeying back

We've come a long way, holding hands
touching, kissing. loving
hording our hurts in hearts
concealing pains, behind smiles
our white washed show no cracks
it's time for a turn around
to make river flow backwards
struggling to revert to source
e'en as Nature pulls forward.
Unequal that fight
one blindsided, fighting alone
power, resource accumulate
in other to tilt balance;
for one failure brings death
for other dishonour
heart fighting mind.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Why did you leave me?

You filled my days with words
You built my nights with dreams
Your comings used to be my life
Your presence used to be my strength

O why did you leave me?
We were meant to be
Together, you said,
Where’s that promise fled?

Did you turn me away for gain?
Did you not feel that pain?
Time came to stand between
What does your silence mean?

O why did you leave me?
We were meant to be
Together, you said
Where’s that promise fled?

Now I love but I live no more
For you have closed those doors
In heart incessant fires burn
Graves open whichever way I turn

O why did you leave me?
Could you not brief me?
We were meant to be
Together, so why did you flee?

Some of the days pass in hope
On others I look for the rope
By and by this time will pass
Will I find my field of green grass?

O why did you leave me?
Why did you make me see
Days of distress, why cause stress?
We're meant to be together, you said.

On Women's Day

Peaks and troughs
climbing up
sliding down
waves of life.

Each mass
as human pass
flesh and blood
sinews tight.

There's heart
another part
yearn and dream
out of sight.

Aches and pains
know no gains
wondering soul
a woman's might.

Seen as none
comes undone
hold that smile
forever bright.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Do I have permission?

Do I have permission to die, Sir?
For want of better things to do
Lay my head on the hard ground
For Yama to woo?

Do I have permission to live, Sir
In words and thoughts following you
Jump up and down as you bid
And rest in your zoo?

Do I have permission to speak my tongue?
Oh, that might offend you
My head will be on the block
Awaiting axes in a queue.

Do I have permission to vomit, Sir?
The words taught by you
No clutter, no taxing of my brain
That's a good thing to do.

My mind I gift to you, Sir
My heart I have skewered too
Now the world's a great place
It holds you, and only you.

My Paradise

My paradise is blue
extended, unending
an ocean serene, unruffled
a cloudless sky
where day meets night
Seeking this paradise
I have walked miles
Torn feet, bleeding heart
stop not that quest
screeching owls
howling winds
rip and batter
rains slush away path
wading through deluge
I walk.
Paradise lives
in heart and mind
an eternal call
wooing endurance
End's not in sight
through murk
I dare
holding promised land
cupped in palms
eyes'll dim
breath run out
I'll walk on
to me paradise.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

খেলায় খেলায়

মনে হয় ছুটে যাই
     ছুঁয়ে আসি একবার
চাঁদ মামা আড়ালে
    অধরাই প্রতিবার।

মনে হয় দুটি হাতে
    বুকে ধরি জড়িয়ে
তবু ছাই মুক্তোটা
    ফেলে সবে ছড়িয়ে।

দুরু দুরু মন করে
    চোখে শুধু আসে জল
হাসি, কথা, কলরব
     বহে চলে অবিরল।

সামনের রাস্তা টা
    কত খানি বেঁকেছে
অদেখা রসিক জন
     কি যে ছবি এঁকেছে।

বাঘা বাঘা বাধাগুল
   মাথা তুলে দাঁড়িয়ে
আড়াল করেছে আলো
    তারা গেছে হারিয়ে।

ওই মনে আছে কিনা
   অতিতের ছবি খানি
ভেবে ভেবে কাটে দিন
    মন বলে- কি জানি।

বলেছিল- চলে জাও
    এত বাড় বেড় না
তখনি তো জেনে গেছ
    হয়েছ যে ফেলনা।

সুখ যদি এতে পাবে
   কেন হাত বাড়ালে
গাছে তুলে দিয়ে বেশ
   মই খানি সরালে।

আহামরি কি খেলা
   মেতেছিল দুজনে
সাধু সাধু উঠে রব
    তালি দেয় সুজনে।।


Direction lost

Redundant cost

Stretched out time
Hidden blight
Covers frost

Not in line
Old world's dust

On the way
More to say
No dawn, no dusk

Stand alone
Props gone
Rip off mask.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


There's love...
and Love...
and LOVE;
in colours, shapes, sizes
they come, they go
they stay, they play
to life imprisonment
to live alone.
Promises, roses
chocolates, candles
how much can you handle?
warmth, snuggles
kisses, hugs
keep 'em under rugs.
Noise of laughter
shoulder to shoulder
to life imprisonment
to live alone.
with ease
a change of mind
a new leaf
from life imprisonment
to live alone.

Fever Breaks

with tossing and turning
with futile yearnings
coats tongues
in limbs
A space to breathe
Laying back
to start again
old life
or new
the view

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tears Flow

Tears flow
for wrongs and right
for loves and slights
for years well spent
for days of lament
for gossamer dreams
for soundless screams
a life lived, a life lost
at unknown costs
for the way ahead
for broken thread
for innocent fawn
for the first dawn
for where it lead
for homeless head
for deed that's done
for a lonely run
flow fast, flow slow.


A Highway
built across fields
or progress
they know
the difference
green grass
and a million lives
they know
the cost
trundling vehicles
goods or humans
day and night
without rest
weariness creeps
a tear
here or there
surface marred
shun them
drive slow
grass creeps back
to heal the breach
hold together
that cruel surface
a saviour now
to one
that annihilates.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Walking out of a grave

When phone won't ring
or messages ping
When heart is worn
on a shoe string
When wills won't dare
and minds declare
gates are shut
stand out and stare
When days are long
and fears are strong
in secret nights
tears flow along
When spirit is dead
or life's on head
a sane voice calls
get up and tread
When someone hears
misery clears
cheerful smiles
again appear.


A stretch of time- vacant
as solitary, unused beach
boulder strewn;
waves of memories
ebb and flow, ebb and flow
relentless roar,
and lonely Eagle soars
scouring the ground,
not seeking prey
but hearts to touch:
Far away twinkling lights
life lived in cozy homes
fathers and sons and wives
their daily chores;
Eagle soars evermore
in open skies
no perch, no berth
cliffs to land, a stretch of sand
close to death each day
reborn with every morn.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


A baby step
cute, adorable
indulgent smiles;
A second, firmer
unnoticed, not hostile
A leap forward
the first jolt
arrows through heart
A secret tunnel
stealthily dug
opens on lost land
hide in sands
A last ambush
vanquish ties
Fate's sleight of hand
Reclaim lost land. 

Wasteland Life

Force out of hearth
Bar from heart
A wasteland life
O Transgressor!

Love beyond boundary
Steps out of line
Disrupting assembly lines

Hound, stone, incarcerate
Yet let live
Death too soft
An escape

A life of shame, of blame
Of thousand failings
In overstuffed belly. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Masked games

wear by day
hide fear
shut pain
rule out shame
play the game.

rip off by night
bring out claws
hack and saw
through out straw
all in the game.

on face
on heart
learned art
play the part
in the game.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

My birth is an Accident

My birth is an accident
You say it’s preordained
Past Karma the decider:
I question that logic
When discourse follows fact;
Your intention clear
To help me digest shame
Or worse, to subjugate
In name of unknown crimes
Your Just One sits in judgment
After the deeds are done
That’s part of Divine police code
Blind Justice who cannot see
Anguish and death,
Back breaking burdens
On a million beasts
Condemned to thousand deaths
Before they die each day.

Our births are accidents
That give rights, empower
Or condemns to indignity
Exclusion or inclusion
Written on forehead
As we sleep in mother’s arms
Though red blood flows in both veins
That crack turns into divergence
And positioned far apart
Babes learn to hate and defile
A slew of tales sustain rift
Pitting self against self
Till in death we meet
Siblings once more
Returning to same womb

Death less unwanted than life

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Battle lines

Yes, I am screaming
in frustration, in rage,
in intolerable pain
A fight against man-world
and man-rules
Rules that create power
And against womanhood
power sustainer
that validates and glorifies
See me, hear me, know me-
the Outsider, I come to destroy
your well-cemented world
Hurl your mace, throw thunderbolts
I stand fearless, defenseless
Armour and shields I shun
A deep well of outrage
fortifies my spirit
Wounds bleed, tortures twist
Life breathe you suck out
Then my scream thunders
through your edifice
demolishing brick by brick.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Two Views

You see me smile
You see me play
You see me busy
All through the days.

You see me work
You see me sleep
You see me climb
Mountains steep.

I see me cut
I see me bleed
At every step
I see me heave.

I see me burn
I see me learn
I see me live
In bits and turns,

See my form
Or see my art
See me run
Or fall apart.

In every frame
In every see
What you find
Is me,me,me.

Monday, January 18, 2016


My divided mind wages war
One says stay, the other cries go
Back and forth, pulling each way
Totally confused, silently waste away.

My uncertain heart bids"Wait! No run!"
To do either would be no fun
Like pendulum oscillating side to side
What takes precedence, need or pride?

Each moment's a choice- one two or three
To choose as I wish I am free
Standing by choice not an easy task
Stay in orbit or go to lonely Mars.

Man-gods and Man

Your Man-god comes in many forms
To slay demons, uphold righteousness
Who decides the two sides?
Demon and angel, Righteous and unrighteous
For even the gods of heaven conspired
To deprive those they thought undeserving
Yet eagerly solicited their strength
To churn the oceans and bring forth
Nectar of Everlasting Life:
And on earth, the conquering Aryans
Demolished, ravaged and raped
In the name of bringing superior values
Then turned cruel ravagers into
Incarnations of God, the sustainer
As for the creator, did he decree?
The four offspring of four orifices
Were unequal at birth? Can the same field
Produce crops of different strain at one time?
If creation is manifestation of power held captive
Where is the high and where the low?