Sunday, February 14, 2010

The New War

Again.again, that dreaded flare,
Humanity maimed, a nation mauled,
Will confusion rule hearts?
Minds beseiged, a prisoner of own thoughts
Of doubts, of fears, of bitter anger,
Green turfs torn apart
To expose ruddy underbelly of life;
Seeds of hatred sown unseen
In minds of turmoil,
To sprout plants of mayhem!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Flying High

I am up and away, into the sky,
The deep blue beyond fills my eyes,
My patch work quilt I have left behind,
The rain is below making me blind;
Fly! Oh fly! My soul, ever so high,
An Eagle swirling o'er head, no land neigh:
Like a Monarch reign in my open space,
Sunshine is my kingdom, leaves no place
For shadows that hide, for the peircing pain,
My domain is joy, my heaven's gained;
Fly! Oh fly! my soul, ever so high,
No sun can melt my soul, this is my sky.