Monday, July 13, 2015

When was I happy?

When sun rose at the sight of a face
And moon showered silver with a smile
When a fluttering heart found rest
And a world lay in two eyes
Was I happy then?

When lipssuckedlife fromlips
And arms strained to fuse two in one
When twin hearts beat in one chest
And worlds were lost and won
Was I happy then?

When soft arms clung round neck
And dimples flashed with smiles
When half said words called out
And tantrums turned to delight
Was I happy then?

When silence curled around
A blanket to keep me warm
When no demands were made
And home was all my own
Was I happy then?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Turning the Tables

I laughed as you brutalized my heart
Broke it bit by bit, took it apart
Ghoulish smile petrified on face
In heart endless stream of pain
Oozing from wounds inflicted in play
World beheld a glow,a sunshine day.

I laughed as you put me up for sale
For highest bidder to avail
My dancing eyes did not reflect
Fear or shame, hid deep within
As anger stayed contained
Your world in place remained.

Will you laugh as your world I rip
 All glory from it ruthless strip
Let it implode from strain
Imbalance a drag it can't hold
Stealing sweetness of painted lips
Build anew after apocalypse.

O Stranger

O Stranger! Born of womb of Time
What seekest thou?
What world, what clime?
Your eyes deepoceans of pain
You smile as you are slain
A burning lamp midst storm
Oh Stranger, none for you to mourn
The doors you knock stay locked
You are a grain from unknown stock
Come in, come rest awhile
You've journeyed many a mile
O Stranger your love is not lost
Through life you've paid your cost.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

When i failed my child

I failed my child today
When I spoke too soon, too harsh
When my arms lay by my side
And did not open wide
To gather the pain it nursed.

I failed my child today
When unthinking words I spoke
When my mind whirled round
And to mundanes was bound
So wings it spread broke.

I failed my child today
When I turned my face away
When tears I did not see
That flowed fast and free
As its sky had turned grey.