Sunday, March 24, 2013

Back from Nowhere

For a while I lost my way,
Like a child who's gone astray;
For a day I lived my dreams
Like a boat that flits upstream;
In a trice  broke my cage
With a smile bore world's rage.

For in my night a sun did rise,
From my breast my heart pried,
Alas! A wind of furry blew,
My hopes to ground it threw-

My sun in that mist grew pale,
Weeds wild ran across that dale,
Once more down I sank,
A cup of tears I drank.

Aha! In my garden came
A shower of dripping rain,
My blessings it taught to count,
Undaunted my hills surmount
No more in dream, nor in trance,
To own tune I now dance.

Brave Heart

My dreams die;
I do not follow them:
Not like a coward I run,
A soldier I stand, tall
Amidst death and  ruin.
Look not up on me
With sympathy-filled eyes;
I ask not for your smiles
Nor your tears I fear,
Think not that I shall fall-
For I'm a Sphinx
That from ashes rises
To live anew.
Not a demon am I,
Yet , like Raktabeeja
I spring forth
A hundred fold stronger
Every time you slay me.
And I shall live
Life after life
Ignoring all pain
Slaying challenges
Invincible warrior
I brandish my sword at life.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pall of Gloom

Not in a grave entombed,
Yet buried deep in a pall of gloom;
A life without moorings
Second by second descending
Into  a yawning  hole
That sucks out light:
A facade of joy remains
To grimace at the world,
Like a painted face
Peeping through chinks;
Heartache no longer felt
But absorbed in blood streams-
Screaming in veins.
Silent reminder of life lived in vain.