Friday, January 31, 2014

Royal Beggar

Oh Royal Beggar!
To fill your coffers
Why dost thou seek?
Nor lofty mountain top
Nor oceans deep
Hold ample treasures
For you to keep.
Verdant meadows
But smile a while
Winter’s frosty gales
Undo their secrets
In silence they sleep.
Look then in you
Blue and flaming orange
Blaze your hues
Bright with them your skies
Thy emptiness
With them suffuse,
Thy royal state
No more abuse.

Eternity and a grain of sand

Oh little grain of sand, 
Where do you come from?

From mountains high where marauding winds
Give you shape and form.

From river beds where flowing streams
Kiss you noon and morn.

From erratic waves that crush and grind
To whittle down your strength,

From sea gales fierce where blowing gusts
Sweep you across lengths.

Millenniums pass unwatched, unseen
None to see you change,

One by one you gather force
Size for might exchange.

As desert storm you fiercely rise
To obliterate known worlds,

By the seas you live and breathe
Wiping prints with swirls.

Mountains, oceans, rivers, rocks
Hide in your tiny form,

You live a life full and long
From dead of night to morn.

Unknown Journey

Unseen runs my stream
flowing in depths of silence deep
hidden far down or buried in heaps
‘neath layers and layers of sleep
a lonely walk down vacant streets 
while the world abounds
with abundance of lights and sounds
twin light and dark together surrounds
blurred my vision, faltering feet
unknown the goal to which I creep

steady and slow, blundering along
on my lips smiles and songs
sweet and sour the tongs
that hold and mar
wade on,  wade on, wade alone
no time for grief, no time to mourn
somewhere, somewhere there is a morn
a sunrise resplendent with stars.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Can I change the colour of my skin
Or the way my nose grows?
Can I re-orient my age
Or keep my youthful glow?
You chain me, you bar me,
You beat me with sticks
You say I’m unhealthy
Or that I am sick;
Why not look at the world around
A world in which vagaries abound?
Where lust destroys lives
Then persues the dead like hounds:
You are a pot calling the kettle black
A jailor within a jail
Your efforts defy gravitation

And gradually grow pale.


Teach me to laugh at vagaries of this world
Teach me to smile at the stones they hurl
Teach me to bow to the hand that kills
Teach me to live as You will.

Teach me to live in stress and strain
To do my work with no complaint.
Teach me to love, to eschew hate
To open my heart to all at the gate

Teach me to stand when blows rain
Not to turn my back, or succumb to strain.
Teach me to navigate my way
And reach your shores without delay

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Home is a space in my heart, where I laugh and cry
Home is blossomed love and withered flowers that die
Home is my mother’s breast, and my lover’s embrace
Home is my child’s sweet smile, my day of toils endless
My home I create with care and a world I destroy.

Home is the evening breeze after a sweltering noon
Home is a shelter secure and bondage unworn.
My home I build with care, my home at will ignore
In my home I live, of my home I dream, for my home I long
Years on years go by, my search for home goes on.