The me you see is not Me
I know in my heart it's not me
A veneer, a charade, a facade may be
Or a chameleon that changes
With every tree
But, for sure, it's not Me.
Now that you know
Could you please let e be
To search for, discover the true Me?
A woman I am, I understand
A daughter, wife, mother
Sister and friend, true
Yet each incomplete
Each a bit and piece of Me
There's more hidden
Submereged in unseen depths
Iceberg like, you see
When life's boat collides
Tries to drown Me
Then the not me Me
Floats to surface
Quick to the rescue
Pulls visible me
Out of the sea
And thus it goes day in day out
The not me Me stands tall and proud
While in the darkness of the sea
The real Me struggles, cries in pain
Awaiting, awaiting, all in vain.