Monday, February 13, 2012

The Last Challenge

Way ahead lost in mire-
Way behind thorn-strewn,
Ups and downs that form life
Upside down have turned.

Yet, for one more voyage heart yearns,
Last quest beyond what's known,
To dwindling strength and meager means
One final challenge thrown.

Victory not a target now,
No sorrow, should we fail,
Striving well with heart and soul
Through Gates of Death we'll sail.

Not for glory, our last thrust,
Not for name, nor fame,
They are but tinsel and dust,
To yoke of life pertain.

Beyond this realm, where finite rules,
In pure land of joy and light,
Where thrones for brave hearts wait
We'll claim them as our right.

1 comment:

  1. your poems are as expressive as you are
