Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Voiceless world

One day I wake up
to a voiceless world.
Here men, women, children
scream soundlessly.
Programmed zombies.
Each step a ritual,
meaningless motion.
Lifeless utterances,
in five act play
screened as silent movie.
Do voices drown helplessly
Do voices burn internally
Boiling lava searching
for a weak fissure
Ready to devastate

hearths and home.

The day this world shatters
Tower of Babble forgotten matter.
Words and screams, 
cries and pleas
rantings and raving
a spill over of voices
mingling to raise
a giant tsunami. 
Drowning voicelessness
Flowing free-
a gurgling death
for whiplashes
that once curtailed
voices of the voiceless.

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