Monday, June 1, 2015

Silent Revolt

Sita was never weak or in need of protection
Yet you drew that Lakshman Rekha around her
to protect her you say; a niggle of doubt lingers-
was it not to limit her, to bind her to your ways?
You feared she'd stray away from paths you prescribed.
I hear your protest, your unspoken outrage
for you went to do her bidding, the manly thing to do
Why not let her go chase her own Golden Deer
run wild and free in joy, taste excitment
stumble, fall, conquer her own kingdoms.
Sita knew your ploy: she stepped out
She was not the helpless one
crying to the world for resscue.
She was woman enough to leave a trail
Her new found fire kept Ravana at bay.
But after the battle you reclaimed her body
That walk through fire you demanded
released her soul, set her free
And in the end she remained untouched
unclaimed and unclaimable for evermore.
You and I, the trampled people
bear her legacy of silent revolt
your boundaries as useless as her Lakshman Rekha
Your pretence of concern revealed
in each false move we recognize
Those walks through fire
those trials release her spirit
to keep us unclaimed, unclaimable.

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