Monday, September 12, 2022

Prayer to Durga

 Mother, you come every year

Spreading light and joy

For a moment in time

Earthlings conceal 

Darkness of tormented hearts

Do you not see the ploy?

What tears hide behind thy smiling face

I wonder, as you see beyond the haze

Do you heave in silent fury

At perfidy of your children?

The lust, the greed, the pain

They inflict on each other

Devout lips chanting your praise

E'en as unholy hearts contemplate downfalls

You see it all

Your shining weapons unmoving

Held still in ominous restraint

Unleashed unexpectedly

cut short human pride

As on your lion you serenely ride.

Come. Mother.come

With thy terrifying rage

For demons gloat and preen

Assume infallible strength

Make them feel your spear

Pierce their ego filled minds

Leaving them prone 

At thy blessed feet

Realizing at length

Their Mother's infinite strength.

Rage on, Dear Mother, rage on

Deny us not thy fury

Docile Earth awaits redemption

At thy hands

Bring on Pralay, if thou will

And after the apocalypse

may a new dawn break

Wiser, kinder, more embracing.

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